EHEDG Asia Pacific 2024 meeting in Tokyo, Japan

EHEDG Asia Pacific 2024 meeting in Tokyo, Japan 6 June 2024


EHEDG was extra busy in the APAC region last week where the sub-committee regional development (SCRD) started the week in Tokyo with their quarterly meeting to discuss the latest updates by the liaisons and their regions and also talked about annual and future plans.

This came with an amazing opportunity to visit the FOOMA Japan 2024, one of the world's leading food processing Expo's. Where our president Hein Timmerman together with the FOOMA organisational committee inagurated the Expo on its first day. 

The liaisons and members of the SCRD also had the time to visit some of the EHEDG member booths like Kanto Mixer, Heishin and Watanabe Foodmach.

On Wednesday morning EHEDG president Hein Timmerman and Director, Adwy van den Berg together with the Sub-committee chair Andres Pascual and Co-chair Helga Medic together with liaisons Hui Zhang and Barry Yang hosted the first ever EHEDG APAC Regional Development Reception. Where participants got to learn more about EHEDG and where we had some very fruitful conversations about the current opportunities and challenges in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and the rest of the APAC countries where EHEDG is not currently present in.

Lastly on Wednesday aftrernoon, Hein Timmerman gave a seminar on cleaning and disinfection at the FOOMA, a very popular session amoung the expo delegates.

We would like to thank the FOOMA for hosting and helping with the organisation of such an important event. Special thanks to Masahiro Watanabe, the new chair for regional section Japan, Takashi Hiyashi, the former chair of the regional section Japan for the last 15 years and the secretary Hiroyuki Ohmura.