David Lowry & Shane Mason
2022 – Advanced Hygienic Design Course in New Zealand
Having had very good feedback and interest in running another course after the March course and following Covid the NZ regional Section we were able to run another Advanced Course in November, once again the South Island. There was still Covid around as evidenced by our dinner venue for the Wednesday night not being able to serve us because of staff shortages, but we were able to find another venue at short notice.
Twenty one delegates attended the 3-day course representing the following sectors:
- 9 Food Manufacturing (including one from Australia)
- 9 Equipment Suppliers
- 3 Service Suppliers
Once again the course was well received with all of the respondents providing very positive feedback about the content of the course and their application potential for their businesses. There was a strong undertaking to promote EHEDG and the course itself from the recipients. A highlight of this course was the quality and enthusiasm of the case-study presentations. The dinner at the King of Snake restaurant was a great success for networking.