David Lowry & Shane Mason
2024 – Advanced Hygienic Design Course in New Zealand
For the first time since the easing of Covid restrictions, there were fewer early enquiries and registrations for the first course of 2024. On direct approach many companies indicated they would like to engage their staff but were not able to at this time. Undoubtedly this reflected (and still does) much tighter economic times in the Food Industry and related sectors, with a number of high profile closures and redundancies.
Seventeen delegates attended the 3.5-day course representing the following sectors:
- 11 Food Manufacturing (including one from Australia)
- 6 Equipment Suppliers & Project Management Companies (special mention to Pentiar for their support over the last 3 courses)
The feedback from the course attendees was once again very positive. The interactive training station highlighting good and bad hygienic design elements was very well received by the delegates (and also those who have seen it through other channels). It is destined to become a part of all EHEDG NZ events. Given the tight times for the food industry currently it is uncertain whether a second course will be scheduled for 2024.