David Lowry & Shane Mason
2022 – End of Covid Advanced Hygienic Design Course in New Zealand
Afte having to cancel two attempted courses in 2021, restrictions on gatherings were finally relaxed just before this course and with a great deal of anticipation we were able to run another Advanced Course. There was still Covid around as evidenced by our dinner venue for the Wednesday night not being able to serve us because of staff shortages, but we were able to find another venue at short notice.
Twenty delegates attended the 3-day course representing the following sectors:
- 2 Food Manufacturing
- 4 Third Party Assessor
- 7 Equipment Suppliers
- 6 Service Suppliers (special thanks to Ecolab for their support of these courses)
The course was well received with all of the delegates being on their first outside course in 1 months. There was a lot of discussion about extending the course to provide more hands-on work and more time for general discussion. The ideas were taken away for consideration of the balance between employers ability to support staff for 4 days away from work and the added training benefit.