
The EHEDG network is open to companies, institutes and individuals, and comprises more than 1,300 main contact persons, supported by many thousands of staff resources, who are the representatives of

  • Companies for the manufacturing of food and food equipment, pharmaceutical and cosmetic production
  • Companies supplying engineering services
  • Scientific and research organisations
  • Health authorities and associations.

Being part of EHEDG is a true mark of excellence. Join our extensive network, where you can support our vision and mission, influence trends in the food industry, earn international exposure and build strong relationships.

Choose the membership option that matches your type of organisation or personal situation.



Company Membership

EHEDG is grateful for the continued support of its company members and member institutes who are essential to help achieve the long-term goal of assisting in the prevention of food hygiene problems by the application of hygienic engineering. These companies and organisations are committed to the highest standards of food safety and strive to improve the overall image of the industry in the eyes of the consumer. The use of the EHEDG company member logo is a statement of this commitment.

Through the EHEDG network the companies can promote their views in as far as they support the EHEDG objectives and they can influence trends and earn international recognition for their efforts.


  • Company members are authorized to use the EHEDG Company Member logo under agreed conditions. Note that the logo may not be used in a way of mistakenly implying EHEDG certification.
  • Companies initially avail of at least one up to four free main contact persons. Additional persons can be listed later on for active or corresponding Working Group membership and active involvement into the EHEDG regional activities
  • Publication of the company logo and name on the EHEDG website, conference programs, brochures, etc.
  • Hyperlink from the EHEDG website to the company website
  • Whole series of the EHEDG Guidelines in all language versions including updates for free download by all staff members
  • Discount or waiver of registration fees for EHEDG sponsored events
  • Discount on EHEDG training course participation


Company contributions are based on the annual turnover in food-related business and range from EUR 500 to 10,000.


Company Member Types and Annual Membership Fees:



Food-related Turnover in EUR p.a.Contribution in EUR p.a.Free Staff Members
over 500 millions10,000100
50 to 500 millions5,00050
10 to 50 millions2,50025
1 to 10 millions1,00010
less 1 million5005


EHEDG adheres to a documented information security policy. This ensures that the data are stored in compliance with the GDPR and within the limits of the purpose for which they were collected. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.


Please enter your food related company turnover

Industry list *

Please choose the Industry your company is in

The details listed below are for the primary / administration member

Please choose a salutation

Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

Please enter the name of your company

Please enter your address

Please enter your postal code

Please enter your city

Please choose your country

Please enter your telephone number

Please enter a valid email

Billing Information

(Note - we only invoice electronically. Address information is for the invoice heading)

Other free staff members (full names):

(If you would like to add more staff members than those listed below, please contact us at

1. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

2. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

3. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

4. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

Networking opportunity *

(Personal data, such as email addess and/or phone and/or address, which can be viewed by EHEDG members after logging-in)

Thank you for helping us keep your contact details up to date.

All corporate and personal data will be treated confidentially. Fields marked by * to be filled in mandatory.


Institute Membership

Institute members are the representatives of

  • Institutes, universities and schools
  • Research centres and associations
  • Governmental and health authorities


who are granted the same benefits as company members. Due to limited budget reasons they pay a reduced membership fee of 500 Euro p.a. and are authorized to list up to four individual members.



  • Institute members are authorized to use the EHEDG Institute Member logo under agreed conditions. Note that the logo may not be used in a way of mistakenly implying EHEDG certification.
  • Institutes initially avail of at least one up to four free main contact persons. Additional persons can be listed later on for active or corresponding Working Group membership and active involvement into the EHEDG regional activities
  • Publication of the institute logo and name on the EHEDG website, conference programs, brochures, etc.
  • Hyperlink from the EHEDG website to the institute website
  • Whole series of the EHEDG Guidelines in all language versions including updates for free download by all staff members
  • Discount or waiver of registration fees for EHEDG sponsored events
  • Discount on EHEDG training course participation


EHEDG adheres to a documented information security policy. This ensures that the data are stored in compliance with the GDPR and within the limits of the purpose for which they were collected. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.


Institute list *

Please choose the type of institute

Please choose a salutation

Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

Please enter the name of your company

Please enter your address

Please enter your postal code

Please enter your city

Please choose your country

Please enter your telephone number

Please enter a valid email

Billing Information

(Note - we only invoice electronically. Address information is for the invoice heading)

Other free staff members (full names):

(If you would like to add more staff members than those listed below, please contact us at

1. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

2. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

3. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

4. Staff Member

Please enter your position

Please enter your position

Networking opportunity *

(Personal data, such as email addess and/or phone and/or address, which can be viewed by EHEDG members after logging-in)

Thank you for helping us keep your contact details up to date.

All corporate and personal data will be treated confidentially. Fields marked by * to be filled in mandatory.


Individual Membership

An individual EHEDG membership is for students and retired persons only; if you are not a student or a retired person, please use the company or institute membership form.

Depending on their interests and expertise, individual EHEDG members can apply for active membership in an EHEDG Working Group to contribute by their know-how to the task of developing and writing up guidelines in a team of other experts.

Working Group (WG) membership is open to all interested experts with the respective background including meeting participation and access to the internal Working Group website folder/s. If you are interested to contribute to the good work of an experts team, please contact the EHEDG Head Office.  
The Working Group Chair decides when the Working Party is complete, i.e. with the required expertise and balance of countries and interests, to complete the work at hand. True working party members are acknowledged as co-authors of the document.

Individuals can alternatively apply for a corresponding Working Group Membership to receive minutes and updates on the progress of work with the opportunity to comment on a draft document.

All individual members receive:

  • general information and updates about EHEDG
  • membership discounts on selected publications and events
  • a 50 % discount when purchasing the EHEDG guidelines  
  • the opportunity to join a Regional Section and its activities.


The individual membership fee is EUR 100 p.a. (excl. VAT). This fee is considered as an annual minimum contribution which will be charged after receipt of the application, regardless of its date of receipt. Subsequent membership invoices will be issued in the first quarter of a year for the whole calendar year. Membership will be automatically extended from one year to another if not cancelled before 30 September for the following year. 


EHEDG adheres to a documented information security policy. This ensures that the data are stored in compliance with the GDPR and within the limits of the purpose for which they were collected. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.


Individual list *

Please choose the type of individual

Type of membership

Please choose a salutation

Please enter your first name

Please enter your last name

Please enter your address

Please enter your postal code

Please enter your city

Please choose your country

Please enter your telephone number

Please enter a valid email

Networking opportunity *

(Personal data, such as email addess and/or phone and/or address, which can be viewed by EHEDG members after logging-in)

Thank you for helping us keep your contact details up to date.

Your personal data will be treated confidentially. Fields marked by * to be filled in mandatory.