Doc. 5 A method for the assessment of in-line sterilisability of food processing equipment
Second Edition, July 2004 - Food processing equipment may need to be sterilised before use, and it is important to ensure that the sterilisation method applied is effective. Thus, it is necessary to determine under which conditions equipment can be sterilised. This paper details the recommended procedure for assessing the suitability of an item of food processing equipment for in-line sterilisation. It is advisable to conduct in-place cleanability trials (see Doc 2) prior to this test in order to verify the hygienic design of the equipment.
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5 A method for the assessment of in-line sterilisability of food processing equipment | English Version
Artikelnummer: EN5
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Andy Timperley
Timperley Consulting, United Kingdom
E-Mail: AndyTProtected mail-address@TimperleyConsulting.co.uk
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